My Story

I have been married to Coach (the first male Plexus Diamond) for 48 years. We have 3 daughters and 7 grandchildren. I was a high school math teacher for 26 1/2 years. I was going to teach for 28 but reached Emerald in 2011 so I retired 1 1/2 yrs earlier than expected. My husband and I were 2 of the 1st 4 Emeralds in the company.

My husband was a high school coach for 36 years then volunteered for 4 years after retiring. Thanks to Plexus we have traveled more than we EVER dreamed possible or would have been able to with our teaching salaries. Thanks to Plexus we have visited all of the Hawaiian Islands, some multiple times. We've earned 13 Emerald Extravaganza's with Plexus.

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